Our Team

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Jo-Joe Van Hooser
Learning Community Activator
Jo-Joe is a strong Kanehsata:ke- Onkwehonwe- Mohawk grandmother from the Bay of Quinte Mohawks-Tyendinaga Territory, Turtle Clan. Jo-Joe has over 30 years of experience working with Indigenous youth and families who are or have been engaged in child welfare and related systems. She has a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree with a focus in Indigenous social work from Trent University, along with several sector-related certificates and diplomas.
In addition to her role as CWLC’s Learning Community Activator, Jo-Joe works full-time as an Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Indigenous Focus Worker at the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa. She also sits on several community boards and councils, including A New Day and the Ottawa Coalition to Stop Human Trafficking.
Jo-Joe’s legacy is to continue to work with Indigenous youth, children, and families, standing strong beside them in advocating for justice and navigating the systems of our ages.

Camille Breton Skagen
Project Manager
Camille holds a Master in Sociology from the University of British Columbia and has completed a wide array of professional development training, with a focus on effective leadership, conflict resolution and communication. An experienced project manager for a diverse range of startups and community based projects, Camille most recently served as project manager for a large scale clinical checklist initiative. Run in association with the Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect, the project responded to the needs of child welfare-involved families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Camillle is known for her innovative vision, her leadership skills and her facility in building strong working relationships.