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Beyond Neglect October 2021 Webinar Summary

Updated: Aug 12, 2022

On October 14, 2021, the CWLC hosted a webinar with key child welfare experts to discuss actionable steps that stakeholders can implement to better support the families they serve. The opinions and recommendations from the panelists represent diverse experiences and expertise drawn from the child welfare sector and community-based approaches.

Throughout the conversation, a common theme emerged centered on intention, in that we must be more purposeful in the ways we define child and family wellbeing as well as in the ways we intervene with children and families. The conversation unearthed several key areas for child welfare professionals to consider.

The webinar highlights discussions by key child welfare experts on actionable steps that stakeholders can implement to better support the families they serve. We've summarized them into a resource for teams and professionals to use as they navigate best practices and how to redefine their approach to child and family well-being.

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